Thursday, 3 June 2021

Our visit to the Van Gogh Alive exhibition

 We were so inspired and excited to go to the Van Gogh Alive exhibition. Everyone had a great time immersed in the colourful and beautiful projections of Van Gogh paintings. The music really added to the experience. We all discussed the exhibition afterwards and created a video with some of our thoughts and clips from the show.

Aimee almost disappeared in the red flower painting

Spencer, and David enjoyed being in the paintings

Chris, Aimee, Helen and our wonderful parent help Louise had a great time!

Come on a tour of our exhibition!

 For those of you who missed our art exhibition we have created a video tour of the show so you can see some more of the show! We hope you enjoy it!

Art in progress

Everyone is very busy getting back into their art projects now the art exhibition is over! New ideas are flowing!

Aimee is adding the finishing touches of glitter to her sun and moon

Gail is creating a beach scene using raw materials from the beach mixed with the paint

Janice has started to paint her sun and moon sculpture

Alex is creating a landscape painting for his latest African themed art work

Kylie is creating patterns within circles for her latest geometric art work


Wednesday, 28 April 2021

A sneak peek of our exhibition

 Here is a sneak peek of our exhibition!

Sunday, 21 March 2021

We Shall Survive Art Exhibition


Come and join us for a celebration of our art work at our big art exhibition! Come and have a glass of wine and some nibbles. 

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Lockdown Art Activities

 Here are some lockdown art activities videos for you to follow to make some emoji rocks